Some of my best-loved tea items never appear online |
Every day I enjoy my tea ware and follow quite a few people
on social media just to see their beautiful photos, from artists to fellow tea
drinkers. Looking at tea porn is a very relaxing part of a puerh hobby, you can
enjoy from afar what others have collected. I have more than my necessary share
of tea ware, but when I think about what I truly use every day a few things
shake out as essential. I’m surprised that my most useful gong fu items are
utensils or accessories, because very rarely do I include them in photos. Well,
my current loved but un-lauded tea pieces deserve some space.
Basic Puerh Pick from Yunnan Sourcing. |
First, of course we all need a puerh pick or puerh knife.
Believe it or not, I don’t own a fancy puerh knife. Yet every day I use a $2
puerh pick from Yunnan Sourcing and haven’t felt a need for anything else. This
is a truly humble pu utensil, but it gets used more often than my most loved
Next, here is a pair of brass tea clamps, or gongfu
Brass tea clamps, Verdant Tea
Winston's kitten paws on the table show why I need these. |
This is an item I tossed in an order a year ago from Verdant
Tea. Yeah, I know, but this thing is now absolutely essential to me, and even
more valued because Dear Son does not like it. His main complaint is that it is
on the kitchen counter all the time and never gets put away. He tends to move
it around in annoyance which makes me extremely crabby when I can’t find it.
The purpose of these clamps is for picking up small tasting
cups and rinsing them with hot water without needing fingers. But I use this
set of clamps for so many things. I can pick up tea leaves and chunks from a
cake and put them in a small teapot. I can pick out a stick or stray debris in
my teacup without using my fingers. I can deftly pick up and turn over wet
leaves in a teapot or gaiwan. I can stir a tightly compressed tea ball in
boiling hot water. I can dunk and retrieve a tea bag that doesn’t have a string
attached. All these functions are even more important now for my tea tweezers
because I’m still feeding my kitten wet food by hand. I wash my hands really
well after doing this, but I feel like my fingers must have cat food germs that
I don’t want on, or in, my tea. I suppose I could wear cotton gloves for tea,
but I have my tweezers instead.
Another necessary utensil for me is a tea strainer. Some
people don’t use strainers. As a blogger, however, I want to use a strainer so
people can see the clarity of a tea. Clarity is one factor that determines the
quality of a sheng leaf and the fermentation of shou, and most readers likely
want to see the brew well-strained of anything that might unnecessarily cloud
the cup. I have also learned a lot from straining my tea. I check a fine mesh
strainer for char or tea leaf fuzz and rinse the strainer after every pour. I
notice how many steepings a tea needs to clear of char, and how much tea dust I
created when breaking off the leaves. I can determine whether a tea is sour
because of char. Most sheng has a tiny bit of char, but a lot of char means
sour or smoky tea that is an issue for my drier storage.
Woven bamboo strainers, Verdant Tea |
I own a number of strainers. Lately I use these woven Yunnan
strainers from Verdant Tea. The handled one is for shou, and the no-handle
strainer for sheng. You can probably tell which of the two gets the most usage.
With bamboo strainers, you must dedicate each to one type of tea. I notice
right away if I mistakenly use my shou strainer for sheng because the brew is
very slightly colored by shou. In addition to these, I have a Ru kiln fine mesh
strainer and two metal strainers. I want to try a gourd strainer someday. I
feel that my woven strainers are helpful at tempering some of the metallic taste
from tea or water, or maybe it’s my medications and I’m imagining things.
Wenge Wood teapot brush, EBay
And more kitten paws shoo-ed but still showing. |
Then I have a wenge wood hair brush that I got for about $4
on EBay to brush teapots. The hair might be dog hair, it certainly smelled like
it when I got it. One time my son borrowed it for using liquid wax on his
bassoon equipment, and left it for me with dried, stuck on wax. I managed to
get all the wax out by freezing the brush.
Here is a tea cup that I use often that never appears in my
blog or in other tea photos. You can see right away why not.
Porcelain tenmoku glaze tea cup
by Shawn McGuire of Greenwood Studios, Etsy |
Can you tell what kind of tea is in this cup? Most people
want to see the tea liquid, so I use clear cups instead for that purpose. I’m
in love with tenmoku glaze and I don’t need to spend a mortgage payment’s worth
of money on a vintage Japanese cup when so many potters are making fine new
ones under $30 on Etsy. But I can’t use these to show off tea liquid.
My last “must-have” is new this year, a tea pillow by Mirka
Randová. This is the sort of purchase that I thought, “why did I need to have
this?” and the thought turned into “why didn’t I buy one of these sooner?”
Stoneware tea pillow by Mirka Randová @potsandtea |
This tea pillow is brilliant. The clay is rough to the
touch, feels like sandpaper which actually grips the cup or teapot when I’m
carrying it from the kitchen to my room or a table. My cup or teapot doesn’t
slide around and won’t easily slip and fall when a cat gets under my feet. If I
do happen to lose my footing a little, tea can slosh into the basin of the
pillow without making a mess on the floor. I can pour water over teapots to
brush them, and overfill the teapot if I want. The tea pillow is also a little
hefty weight-wise, rather like an old vintage heavy ashtray. So the pillow can
sit on my bed or other furniture and if a cat bounds up and over to my lap, the
pillow won’t easily tip. In fact, the pillow doesn’t move at all. I needed this
tea pillow years ago when I had a small child running around. I don’t even have
to wash it.
Hopefully you enjoyed seeing a few of the utensils I use
regularly. I’m sure we all go through phases when we use some items a great
deal in our tea ceremony. Then we move on to new items as the old ones might
need replacing or as our needs change.
Thanks for this text. Its nice gear... Mirka Randova is making some interesting stuff indeed.